First Ever Run!

Just wanted to share some quick update I’ve been doing to my life since my last post. It’s been a week since I had my first ever run of my life when I decided to sign up for 10K Milo Marathon. The experience was tiring yet very fulfilling especially when you started to get a glimpse of the finish line.

I actually don’t have any interest of joining a marathon for a fact that I have a weak lungs that I easily get tired up. But thanks to my officemate who forcibly engage me to give it a try and so I did. If I’m not mistaken, I still have a month of preparation before the marathon that time so I immediately informed my coach for us to temporarily change my program in preparation for that marathon.

By the way, I forgot to share as well that last June 1, I finally decided to enrol my self at the gym and personally hired a trainer to help me get the things done. As of now, I’m back to my regular program and I’ll be sharing my fitness story on a separate blog post.

So basically for this entry, I’ll just share with you the preparation I made for this marathon for you to be able to finish it strong at 1hr.

  1. Train your endurance. Actually, that’s the program my coach did to me after knowing my plan of joining a run. She immediately give me numerous and heart beating run exercises. To be honest, it’s really a no joke doing this endurance test. It will really give you a lot of sweat and deep breaths.
  2. Leg Workouts. Other areas as well that my coach focuses is the leg workouts. We all know that running is a test of endurance and legs. You need to warm-up those legs so it won’t get hurt and will sustain the 10km smoothly.
  3. Run Outside. This is one of the advices I wanted to share with you as well since I wasn’t able to do it for my self. I’m just doing my run in the treadmill but I think doing a run outside is more appropriate. To be honest, I’ve been running 2 miles at 6 speed and even finished 5km by 25mins but during the actual run, I feel like I’m too weak. So don’t forget to run outside so you can practice as well how to deal with outside factors like the humid, hotness, coldness etc.
  4. Diet. For me, since I’m also losing weight, my diet was to eat at 1,800kcals. Primarily lessening my carbs intake. I think being light will also help you run fast? Not sure, but that’s what I experience. But don’t lessen to much your carbs intake since you need those carbs to provide you energy during the run. Two (2) hours before the run, I read that it is recommended to atleast eat something. For me, I ate oatmeal with banana, nuts and flavouring. I also drank an energy drink to keep me awake and boosted. Don’t eat few hours or minutes before the run so that you won’t anything bad during the run. Again, just eat light.
  5. Hydrate. It very important to hydrate yourself during the run so won’t faint. Again, drink light. I mean, just sip. Drinking too much will get you heavy and might ache your stomach as well. Though there are water stations every 2km, I suggest you bring your handy bottle with you so you can hydrate if you feel the need to.

Overall, don’t run too fast, do it on a splits. Run slow, run fast, walk, run fast, run slow, sprint or whatever combination you like. My point is, just beat your personal goal and remember to finish strong.

As for me, I’ve finished my 10km run at 1:15 hr. It’s a little bit slow to what I expected but for a first timer, that will do for me. Looking forward to more runs!

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So until then, don’t forget to leave a comment and like this post if you want to say something or give me a high five in case we bump elsewhere.

Remember, everything you do is an adventure of a lifetime!

See ya!